Frequently Asked Questions

General Inquiry

We use Google Meet for our online tutoring sessions.

No, we do not. We only offer one-on-one online tutoring sessions with licensed K-12 teachers.

All of our tutors have teaching credentials with real school & online teaching experience.

We send subscribers a "teacher profile" which covers a tutor's education, work history & specialties.

We can help students from kinder all the way to 12th grade.

We're fully-equipped to help students in public school, private school and do full-time homeschooling.

Our licensed teachers can help students with Math, Science & English. 

Any time that works best for your family. We work around your schedule and availability. 

Yes, we do. As of right now, students have the opportunity to learn new languages such as: Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog French and Arabic.

Please contact us for more info.

Yes, you can. Send us a detailed message with the reason why you'd like to change and we will assign you a different tutor.

Free Session

Click here to avail your free 30-minute session.

* Can only be redeemed once per student.

These session is 100% free. There are no obligations, no contracts, no need to leave payment info or buy anything.

Yes, you can. Please message us and let us know right away at least 24 hours before your scheduled session.

Our teachers have busy schedules so please make sure to notify us in advance.

Monthly Tutoring Plans

Our monthly tutoring plans are budget-friendly. Please click here to see our plans.

* Custom plans available upon request.

Sessions with our learning coaches can be one, two, three or fives times per week - depending on the selected plan.

Subscriptions are automatically renewed and billed every 30 days. You will be sent email and text alerts with the option to pause or cancel your subscription prior to billing.

Yes, you can cancel your account anytime. There are no long-term contracts or obligations. Just give us the word and we'll cancel your account.